Dear Friends,
I left Kauai in June. I was done. After twenty years my romance with the island was over, and I was anxious to move on - to find a new home on the mainland. My US tour was abbreviated by my return ticket for late September. I bought that return ticket only because I was overly anxious to leave in June, and chose at that time to put things in a storage locker and deal with them later. My return to Kauai was all about dealing with my “stuff,” and I didn’t waste a heartbeat. I sold a refrigerator and bed within two hours of arriving on Kauai, and within two days, with the help of my dear friend Layna, we had cleared out my 10‘x10’ storage locker, and shipped a 4’x4’x5’ pallet to Seattle.
On the third morning, the morning after shipping the pallet, I woke up to one dirty, cluttered and disorganized 20‘x20’ tent. In one corner I had my single bed under a screened tent. In the other corner was my queen bed, which I had given to my tent partner Jack, who lives in Maui, and intents to move and build his house on this land. The other half was to be a living room and kitchen - but on arrival it was filled with tools and paint and all sorts of boxes of stuff I didn’t put in the storage locker. Dealing with twenty years of accumulated stuff isn’t that easy, and in the last days of June, what I didn’t know what to do with was thrown in the tent.
So I dove into organizing the tent, deciding what to keep and what to let go of, making it at least comfortable for my week there, intent not to leave any of my clutter for Jack. I had a plan.
Then something happened. I realized that I was no longer the same man who left Kauai three months ago. I don’t know how one explains or qualifies “healing,” but I truly went through a significant healing while driving alone around the United States for nine weeks. I now realized that wanting to leave Kauai had nothing to do with the island itself, or my wonderful dear old friends who live here - it had everything to do with ending the constant doing, producing, struggling for survival lifestyle that I never could seem to get away from for 20 years. In my mind Kauai equaled "struggle for survival." And I just wanted to get as far away from that old way of life as possible. That is what was healed over 8500 miles of highway - without even trying.
Richard Kraft is a wonderful human being. He and his wife Greta somehow manifested a 25 year lease on eleven acres attached to 740 acres of ideal paradise land on the North Shore of Kauai. In the two years there they’ve set up the beginnings of a wonderful community, with a greenhouse, bathhouse, bee keeping hives, storage sheds, their personal home and a huge organic garden, fruit trees - the beginnings of a totally self-sustaining lifestyle. They want to share their land with like-minded friends - and so far a man named Robert, my 70 year-old best buddy Jack and I have been invited to live there. In my unhealthy desire to flee I didn’t give this invitation much thought, but upon my healthy return I totally honor and embrace the gift. I have a home in paradise, for the rest of my life, if I choose.
There is a whole lot more to this story, which I will write about later. I have come to realize that I am a wondering journalist. I love traveling about, being with family and friends I love - meeting new people - sharing my love the way I do, and of course writing and posting the stories of my adventures. I have an epic story - a living story - to tell, which is much bigger than any one place, even if that place is paradise.
I sat next to an extremely lovely woman name Deb on the plane from Honolulu to Kauai. She was a Medical Intuitive. Actually she was a gift. She told me that I need to get the stones out of my kidneys. Twice in my life I endured the excruciating pain to trying to pass kidney stones, and I don’t want to do it again.
So I’m out on this beautiful land. No electricity - no noise or disturbances - just a clean and pure environment. My tent home will be organized and comfortable - and Richard is ready to coach me through a ten day Kidney cleanse. After twelve years the novel form of my Shambala story is pouring through me. I’m going to cleanse my body and write a novel - and every now and then I will plug in and let you know how I’m doing.
Following my stay in Kauai I have a house waiting on the Puget Sound just south of Canada, fifteen miles from the nearest store. So for at least the next month I will be sequestered away metamorphosing some more . . . rebirthing.
With love and blessings,
David Dakan Allison
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