Dear Friends,
I love my little tent home in paradise.
It’s sitting alone on this beautiful piece of land - no electric bill, no cable bill, no water bill, no gas bill, and no rent bill - no mortgage or interest payments. I don't owe anyone anything, and nobody owes me. I'm not being asked to do anything. It almost sounds like freedom. Looking around there are no neighbors I can see, and the ones I don’t see I love. I just breathe.
My tent is 20 foot x 20 foot square, with a fully carpeted wooden floor and 4 foot high pony walls inside around it. (all which I built just before I went on my US tour) I have a 10 x 20 foot bedroom with a queen and single bed, side tables and the rocking chair I’m sitting on. The 10 x 12 foot living room has a glass coffee table with candles on it and cushions around it, with Persian-type carpets on top of the base carpet.
Roughing it
I have shelves filled with books and art. The kitchen is in a 8 x 10 foot room with pots and pans, dishes, shelves with food, a dining table and a Colman Stove. Outside I have endless pure mountain water on tap - and a 10 x 10 foot supply tent filled with tools. Fifty feet away is a bath house with a composting toilet and shower. I haven’t figured out how to get the solar hot water working, so I’ve been taking cold showers in the day, which I don’t mind. I pick vegetables from the organic garden and enjoy them mixed with rice and soy sauce. I have no refrigerator or TV or lights. I don’t miss these conveniences. I share the space with a cute little mouse, some chameleons, a few cockroaches that don’t want to be disturbed, and an assortment of tiny flying critters who bite me on occasion. None of it bothers me whatsoever.

Do you know that in China 40 million people live in caves? Think about that - there are 300 million people in the 50 US state’s. If 40 million people lived in caves in the US, divided equally among the 50 states - that would mean that 800,000 people would live in caves in each state. It’s a bit difficult to comprehend. Of course in China they all have electricity and indoor plumbing and TV’s. I don’t have any of that. The illusion of poverty is that I’m unemployed, living in a tent with no electricity or running water. What a great illusion!
To the right is buddha overlooking a beautiful illusion.
I have to show the picture below again. My Canon does it more justice than the iphone. It’s the perfect swimming hole on the far end of this 740 acre piece of land. Right above the swimming pond is a gazebo under a shade tree. The perfect place to sit and write my stories. I truly am blessed.
This is my Kauai sanctuary whenever I wish to have one. Everything in and around this tent belongs to me, but not really, and I’m not attached. In fact this part of the land I'm on is a Corporate Soul - everything belongs to God. I could easily leave and never come back - hand this tent and everything in it over to my brother Jack. And I will come back . . . I’m just not complete with my worldly visits - places I haven't seen and places I wish to return to. There's something about being an ambassador of sorts to all the love and goodness this land represents.
Fearlessly I journey out into the world. There are so many people to meet, so many stories to tell. As I said before - I am the fool standing on the cliff ready to take the next step.
Being alive isn’t, or shouldn’t be, all about being comfortable. A coffin is comfortable. Wise people have written that we are only truly alive when we are in danger - standing on the edge of the unknown, wondering which direction to jump, knowing that there is no choice but to, knowing that death is inevitable, that death is merely change, and that change is always good.
I entered in all the information to book my return flight to Seattle on the 19th. When I got to ‘submit’ I couldn’t do it. I pushed delete instead. Surely I am loving my home in paradise, but how can I be a traveling writing gypsy if I stop and nap for too long? Suddenly I realized that flying from Lihue to Honolulu to Seattle is boring. I have probably done it 150 times since I first came to Kauai in 1987. I want different.
I want to sail back to the mainland, take the Love Boat, a 150 ft yacht, a hot air balloon.

Something different. I checked everywhere. There are no boats to the mainland, and it is actually against the law (the Jones Act) for a cruise ship to go from a US port to a US port. What a silly law! Maybe I could walk the docks of Honolulu for weeks with my thumb pointing East, but I don’t think so. I have no choice but to fly. Maybe I should fly to Hong Kong instead? Or Japan, or maybe Bangkok. I could. Maybe I will. I don’t know. I’m waiting to be inspired. I’m listening.
Not to my mind. I’m listening to my Inner Authority. Which, in my case (and 70% of the people on earth) is my Sacral. In Aikido we identify it locally as the hara, which is about an inch below the navel. That’s where I go for the ‘Sound.’ The ʻyesʼ or ʻnoʼ or ʻI donʼt knowʼ sound, a gut reaction, the “ahunh” or “unun” response that comes from the gut, or a movement towards or away from something without hesitation. Should I push the ‘submit’ button and book my flight - “Unun” - no! Simple mind logic says yes, but the answer I trust is no.
My definitive experience of this trust happened in Detroit, as I planned my route to Montreal. “Should I go to Montreal?” “Unun” “No.” “Should I go South?” “Ahunh” “Yes!” “Should I go to Asheville, North Carolina?” “Ahunh,” I listened and went South - and it all flowed perfectly from then on.
So I will be here until I’m not, as silly as it sounds. By the way - I wrote about going on a ten-day kidney cleanse. I went to my doctor Miles first and he checked in with kinesiology. His answer was a strong No. We are all build differently - sure there are basic truths to dieting - and there are bodies that do well with meat, for instance, and others that do better without. I found out many years ago, suffering from extreme anemia, that a raw or vegan diet doesn’t work for Me - no matter what the vegan guru’s say. I need a certain fuel to keep my fire burning - and too much water and air puts my fire out. Therefore fasts may have the opposite effect on me, than it would have on someone who actually needs water and air. Miles recommended a macrobiotic diet - as did my other doctor Latifa - which is perfect for me - living out on the land without a refrigerator. Rice and vegetables from the garden - supplemented with fish a few times a week. I’m feeling healthier every day.
As I sit here off the grid, away from electricity, away from TV and outside of stimulation, as I check in with the pulse of the earth, check in with astrologers and sensitives who record information, the shaman and oracles who speak of this time leading to 2012, I directly feel the change of energy. The sun is flaring like never before. The earth is glowing.

Everyone is effected by this ramp-up of energy. Many will not know what to do with this energy. They may turn to more drugs, more crazy behavior, more anger, more frustration, fighting and wars . . . or they may turn to more Love. We are really at choice now to take this energy and go to God with it, or not. Go to Happiness. Go to joy. Go to abundance. Or not.
It really is about time to carefully choose who we hang out with. Are we spending all our social and/or work time with friends and family who are going toward good and God and happiness and joy and abundance - and encouraging us to play a masterful game, or are we hanging around those who are bitching and moaning, being angry and fearful, depressed and filling us with all that yucky stuff?
I was thinking more about how each and every one of us, in our pure essence, is a magnificent being. We are each given a purpose, a reason for being. We all have the ability to choose correctly, to live our purpose, to have great fun, freedom and abundance, based on who we really truly are. The tools of personal power are out there. Just ask.
With love and blessings always,
David Dakan Allison
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