Happy New Year dear friends,
I sat in a dark room, with a single candle flame, the minutes up to and at midnight New Years 2011. I prayed for you and me, and everyone and everything in this glorious world.
My oldest best friend invited me - being with ones you love is also important - and I chose to be alone . . . with candle light and sage . . . to bless the past, and welcome in a blank canvas of infinite possibilities . . . to pray in the New Year.
Another year and I'm still alive! My heart bursts in gratitude with the simple I AM knowing. I am here! Almost sixty-four years old, alive and healthy, living during this incredible time of transformation on this amazing planet earth . . . what a blessing! All of us who have incarnated at the change in ages - now having entered into the electric Aquarian Age - with the bonus end of the Mayan calendar (actually December 21, 2010) have won the greatest birth lottery of all time. Not only have I won the greatest prize of all - I Am the prize! And so are you.
Upon rising New Years Day I honestly felt I was beginning life all over again.
I watched the Pasadena Rose Parade. I couldn’t stop crying. I got lost in the millions of multi-colored flowers . . . this gift of Gaia, our Mother Earth . . . the splendor of vibrant life on display, my gratitude for the farmers who planted, protected, then harvested this perfection. I marveled at the art of each and every float - how designers and artists and helpers took those flowers, and spent hours and days crafting beauty on top of the beauty, all given to a short morning drive for our viewing pleasure. I cried more watching the marching bands - high school kids who spent countless hours learning their instrument and music and steps - just to entertain us, each one a necessary component of a whole moving orchestra.

Then I switched channels and watched the countdown to the 100 all-time greatest musical artists, ending with our true musical saints - # 1- The Beatles and Michael Jackson. My heart was touched with such incredible talent and music. Beginning in the 1950‘s with Frank Sinatra and Elvis Presley, the early 1960‘s with Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder, Bob Dylan and the Beatles . . . and then all the incredible singers and bands of the late 60’s who totally rocked my world. As I watched The Who, Chuck Berry, Led Zepplin, Neil Young and John Lennon . . . Madonna and even Kurt Cobain caused the tears to flow. Each contributed to the rich tapestry of life that we are so blessed to be part of.
Change is slow and subtle. One day maybe even you will wake up a senior citizen sobbing over flower floats and marching bands . . . and like me wondering what you can give back that would bring another to joyful tears.
In my understanding, the Aquarian Age offers a change in focus. Instead of being obsessed with what is wrong, bad and ugly - the opportunity is to focus is on what is right, good and beautiful. To discover our personal Divinity and do what makes us happy. The question I ask myself is: Am I loving myself as I contribute to and support all that is right, good and beautiful? Am I doing what makes me and others happy?
In 2011 it will continue to be my intention to do what I love - and to share my art and writing and love with others . . . this is why I write these blogs and send them to you. Keats said that all we need is truth and beauty, (I add a big dose of love) Live in truth - appreciate and add to the beauty, and life for us will continue to bloom like a spring flower. We will then each be that flowery float cruising down the avenue - with Marvin Gaye in the background singing "ain't nothing like the real thing, baby."
My heart invites you to dance with me in the field of flowers in 2011. It really is time for me - for all of us to proclaim: I Am Love - and mean it, and be it and see it in everyone . . . you are - Love.
I wish you all JOY this coming year.
David Dakan Allison
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