41 years later:
Yes . . . it's the same guy. Now I'm an old fart, driving around the country in a V8 4Runner. But the bottom line is the same. I'm FREE!!!!
Before I talk about today's adventure, I want to share an email I received from my brother-in-law Joe. Life is a process, and we just do the best we can one step at time. Unfortunately we are forever getting lost in doing what we have to do, or what 'we think' we have to do. Instead of just going balls out and doing what we love. Even though I can say "I'm Free," it has taken this whole month since I left Kauai to re-adjust my brain and get it through my thick skull that "I don't have to do anything." Well, I suppose I have to eat and drink and move around, and be good so Karen doesn't kick my ass out . . . and then I'd have to do driving down the highway some more - but you know what I mean. I'm at choice. I've worked hard my whole life, and there is absolutely nothing wrong when a 63 year old mf takes a break. (I was just thinking about one of Detroit's finest - Kid Rock - and one of his songs titled "You've never known a mother fucker like me") I'm saying this, in relation to what Joe wrote, because I have set myself up to not really take a break. I've set myself up to get busy on my writing projects, since I'm no longer busy with my pottery projects, or my moving out of Kauai project. So . . . I'm a bit slow, but I'm learning. What I do know is true - I love writing and sharing my stories - and maybe you'll enjoy reading them . . . Here's Joe's email:
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