Dear Friends - (that's me 40 years ago)
This morning was a perfect spring day in Ringgold, Georgia. Not a cloud in the sky. 75 degrees. Today was the day of the royal wedding - the cusp of Beltane when the Divine King and Divine Queen wed. A day filled with many important symbols of change. It is a 19 day - the number of the star which illuminates our intelligence, and invigorates our innocence and the purity of our hearts. Today, right now, the ancient and modern are meeting in ways we never imagined. The beloved mother-in-law Diana, the spirited Princess of Wales, blesses her children, the kind Duke who will be the King of the common people and the beautiful Duchess who will be Queen, who will serve the world in her footsteps. This historical enactment is steeped in Druid and Pagan roots; a rich homage to all that is good, pure and holy. Gaia Mother smiles.
At the very same moment, modern technology is clashing with Mother Nature, with all that is natural, pure and in balanced harmony. Love and marriage is juxtaposed with death and destruction. And the big question - the one that is foremost in my mind: Is the death and destruction we are currently experiencing natural (acts of God)? In other words, are all these hurricanes, earthquakes and tornados the movements of nature or the contrivances of man? As long as scientists and governments remain arrogant to the spiritual wisdom and intelligence of Gaia Mother Earth, refuse to honestly reveal what they are doing, refuse to honor and protect her, which indeed they seem to be the case, then we the people will experience the results of what could be madness.
I live in Ringgold, Georgia. The power went out Wednesday night around 8:30 p.m. I lit a candle and went on with my business - glad to have my iPad. Thunder roared and lightning pierced the nearly moonless sky, but that didn’t bother me - such weather seems to be normal in the south. I felt perfectly safe and secure in my upstairs bedroom, and had no thoughts of danger. Unlike in Kauai, I heard not sirens, and had absolutely no idea the sky was in turmoil less than a mile away - and the upstairs bedroom was the worst place for me to be.
At the very same time I was lighting my candle and feeling so safe and secure, all hell was breaking loose 4000 feet away. Right down the hill from where I’m now living a tornado ripped through the town - killing seven. It went on for miles and destroyed everything in its path, three football fields wide. This beautiful morning I drove by broken trees, demolished homes, sheet metal wrapped around telephone poles - all outside of the heart of the Ringgold city disaster. A three story Super 8 hotel and Ruby Tuesdays were gone. Nobody was ordering a big Mac or a burrito from Taco Bell. All-America was bombed.
It is no secret that scientists are manipulating the weather. HAARP in Alaska has the technical ability to, and routinely does, pour focused measured amounts of intense energy into the earth’s ionosphere. (Goggle it) The result of this interference is beginning to produce startling results. The scientists who manipulate the weather through the HAARP technology are (either resultantly, accidentally, or intentionally) creating all kinds of storms - like hurricanes, thunderstorms, floods, tornadoes, and drought. Earthquakes? Unfortunately for the 300 southern state Americans who died on April 27th, 2011 (and the 10,000+ who died in Japan) this is not a good thing. Scientists in Alaska are blasting the ionosphere with high levels of energy and 200 tornados occur on one day in the south. Is there a connection? Hmmm. Do these deadly earthquakes and storms have anything to do with the government sponsored HAARP and Chemtrail experiments? I’m trying my best not to say “duhh.”
I always want to give credit to the inherent goodness of humans - you know - people with hearts and souls. Sons and daughters go to college, get good paying jobs, have families and so on. But ask any good soldier - people will do the strangest things for job security. Maybe these scientists have been convinced they are doing something good with their “modern science,” and/or maybe they consider their great paychecks and job security more important than anything, and don’t think about connecting the dots.
I’m not alone in noticing how obvious the dots are beginning to appear. I wonder why more people don’t pose the question: “What’s going on with the weather?” “Two hundred tornados in a day??” “Is that natural?” or “Is it wise to trust those who experiment with our weather and water?” I think these are questions worth asking, and ones to ask before your home turns to rubble, or you find out what fluoride is really doing to your health. And those white lines in the sky? Is that healthy? Has science truly gone mad? I think its important that modern technology embrace Ancient wisdoms and spiritual truths, or we will most likely continue to see the results of these mad experiments.
As always my heart goes out to those who die unexpectedly in natural disasters. God bless them in their transition.
The contrast always interest me. It’s two days later. There is still no electricity. I’m looking out over the balcony into the forest below. It is so quiet and peaceful here. Sun rays warm me. The tall trees are all in full spring green. The wind has stilled. Birds are chirping and critters are chattering, as always. One mile away the town of Ringgold is shut down. Schools are closed and police are everywhere. The freeway, which was stalled and bumper to bumper yesterday is finally flowing again. I hear sirens in the distance. An army of workers are still down there, trying to establish order in the chaos.
I sit here in peace. Yesterday I could have walked to town and volunteered. I didn’t - since I am satisfied with the conclusion - it is not my job. Some people volunteer directly, others give indirectly with money or donations, and, unfortunately, most ignore it all until it’s in their face. My giving is a different form of indirect. I give with my prayers, though holding the strong vibration of peace, and by sending love out to all those in need. I believe that all the “OMG seven people died” energy needs to be balanced with thanks for the seventy thousand who survived. I pray for the well-being of the departed’s family members. I pray that all the chaos turns into a higher level of love; that the living find balance again. I pray that those who have lost someone who was dear and precious will gain a greater appreciation for life, and find a more proactive appreciation and love for members of their family who have survived and are safe. I pray for everyone’s well-being in the face of tragedy and great loss. And I hope we all begin asking simple questions. Where did all these tornados come from? Are they really acts of God? Are these storms natural or man made? Why not demand our leaders who invest billions of our dollars in this risky scientific technology, to answers this: “Prove to us that there is no connection between HAARP and these disasters?”

I am grateful and happy to be living with June and Scott. I really do like Chattanooga. It’s a very beautiful city. I’m blessed to have a yard to landscape (I did the rock wash on the left) - in a lush setting surrounded by trees and wild critters. I’m still dedicated to restoring my good health - I don’t believe we’re ever too old to become young again. It’s been six weeks since I stopped eating all wheat products, all dairy products, all sugars, coffee and alcohol. I supplement my whole food diet with the very best probiotics and immune system builders. I drink lots of pure alkaline water and exercise every day. I keep getting stronger. My rotator cuff injury has all but disappeared and my over-all well-being has improved substantially. I’m still working hard with editing my adventure love story Shambala. It’s a fabulous story (if I don’t say so myself) and I hope every one of you takes the time to read it. I imagine it will be available in one form or another sometime this summer.
And, as always, I send you my love and blessings,
David Dakan Allison